The Erdölbevorratungsverband (EBV) monitors the quality of the stored petroleum and petroleum products. This entails the regular extraction and analysis of samples from stocks maintained in separate facilities. The data obtained through this process is analysed by means of software developed by the EBV that uses the expertise of EBV experts for the automated assessment of the quality of the stored petroleum products.
This also includes the development of technical processes for the cavern storage of finished products and the inclusion of additives to finished products for long-term storage.
Additionally, special features are developed for the EBV, for example, with respect to cavern storage as well as a qualitative analysis of long-term storage experience with the goal of improving petroleum deterioration forecasting. In addition, the EBV participates in the development of new laboratory tests with the goal of improving quality analysis with respect to long-term storage.
The EBV is active in industry bodies such as the DIN technical committee for fuel products and the fuel committee of the German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology e. V. (DGMK), as well as being represented in international organisations such as the Annual Coordinating Meeting of Entity Stockholders (ACOMES) and the International Crude Project Group (ICPG).